jueves, octubre 26, 2006

YouTube como un hotel de paso

Sí señores, de la que nos salvamos. No se pierdan este interesante artículo que nos recuerda cómo sería Internet si Hollywood hubiera dictado las reglas del juego (una pista: mucho, mucho más aburrida).

El autor argumenta que gracias a la derrota parcial del complejo fílmico-musical la posición legal de YouTube no es tan mala e ilustra la diferencia con Napster de la siguiente (divertida) manera;

There may also be deeper differences. If the Internet were not a bookstore, or tubes, but rather a red-light district, YouTube would best be imagined as the hotel, and Napster, well, the pimp. YouTube, like a hotel, provides space for people to do things, legal or not. It's not doing anything illegal itself, but its visitors may be. But Napster, everyone more or less now admits, was cast as the pimp: It was mainly a means of getting illegal stuff. Right or wrong, we seem to accept the benign vision of YouTube as an entity which, unlike Napster, was basically born as a place to showcase stupid human tricks.

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